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Pool Enclosures

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Traditionally built using glass, polycarbonate is an excellent glazing alternative for building or retrofitting a swimming pool enclosure. A polycarbonate pool enclosure can extend the swimming season. Depending on where you live, you may even be able to enjoy you pool year-round.

Polycarbonate’s UV-protected outer surface blocks harmful ultraviolet rays. Too much sun or heat is dangerous. This UV blocking feature helps prevent sunburn while letting in plenty of natural light. These polycarbonate pool enclosure panels create comfortable diffused light, reducing glare and heat build-up.

This UV protection also provide superior resistance to outdoor weathering. Whether you’re covering an above ground or inground pool, your plastic pool cover won’t turn yellow or brittle over time. In addition, the panels UV blocking properties minimize chlorine evaporation, reducing chemical usage.

Multiwall and corrugated panels are extremely durable — virtually unbreakable! Polycarbonate is a lot stronger than glass and doesn’t shatter like glass either. This makes it a safer material choice for covering your swimming pool and a good backyard intruder deterrent.

Polycarbonate panels can be cut to size and drilled ‘on site’ using ordinary woodworking tools. No special tools needed! Because these pool enclosure sheets are highly flexible and can be cold formed without cracking or splintering, creating an arched swimming pool cover is an easy project.

One of the biggest objections to a pool enclosure is the ‘feeling of being enclosed’. A great option is to build a retractable pool enclosure with translucent polycarbonate panels that opens-up when the weather is nice outside. Cover you pool enclosure and now you have an outdoor space that you can use no matter what the weather is doing!


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Pool Enclosures

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